
Category Archives for "Health News"

Brain-Eating Amoeba: Take Precautions in Charlotte County, FL

Naegleria fowleri, commonly known as the “brain-eating amoeba,” is a single-celled living organism typically found in soil and warm freshwater, such as lakes, rivers, and hot springs.[0] If the amoeba is inhaled up the nose, it can cause a deadly brain infection known as primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM).[1] According to the Centers for Disease Control […]

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Reduced Social Media Use Improves Self-Perceptions of Weight and Appearance in Young People

A new study published by the American Psychological Association has found that reducing social media use can significantly improve young people’s self-perceptions regarding their weight and physical appearance. The study, conducted by the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute and published in the journal Psychology of Popular Media, involved 220 undergraduate students between the […]

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Flu Vaccine Performing Well Despite Severity of Season

The flu season this year has been more severe than in previous years, with the number of hospitalizations reaching levels not usually seen until December or January.[0] However, preliminary data from the CDC shows that the flu vaccine has been performing well against the current strain of influenza.[1] The shot proved to be 54% successful […]

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