Frequent Consumption of Fried Foods Linked to Higher Risk of Anxiety and Depression, Study Finds

A study conducted by a research team in Hangzhou, China, has found that frequent consumption of fried foods, particularly fried potatoes, could lead to a higher risk of anxiety and depression. The study evaluated 140,728 people over 11.3 years and found that those who ate at least one portion of fried food were 12% more likely to have anxiety than those who did not eat fried food. Additionally, people who ate at least one portion of either fried potatoes or fried white meat had a 4% higher risk of symptoms of anxiety.

It is unclear whether the consumption of fried foods triggers mental health issues or if people with depression and anxiety turn to fried foods for comfort. However, the study's results suggest that reducing fried food consumption may have a positive effect on mental health as well as overall health.

Fried foods are known risk factors for obesity, high blood pressure, and other health effects.[0] The study also found that participants consuming more than one serving of fried food regularly were more likely to be younger men. Men and younger people are more likely to frequently eat fried food, according to the study.

Dr. David Katz, a lifestyle medicine specialist who was not involved in the study, said that the human component of this study may indicate that higher intake of fried food increases the risk of anxiety and depression. Dr. Duane Mellor, a registered dietitian from Aston University, added that it is possible that people who consume more fried foods may have other risk factors that increase their risk of mental health problems.

The study concludes that its results highlight the significance of reducing fried food consumption for mental health. While there is no need to panic about the adverse effects of fried food, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and reducing consumption of fried foods may be helpful for mental health in addition to overall health.

The researchers also compared the effects of fried food consumption in humans and acrylamide exposure in zebrafish to suggest that frequent consumption of the chemical commonly found in fried food could have a negative effect on mental health. To comprehend the impact of acrylamide on individuals who consume fried food, zebrafish were subjected to this chemical in the study.

In conclusion, the study provides evidence linking the consumption of fried foods, particularly fried potatoes, to a higher risk of anxiety and depression. While it is unclear whether fried foods trigger mental health issues, reducing fried food consumption may have a positive effect on mental health as well as overall health.

0. “New research suggests that french fries may be linked to depression” CNN, 24 Apr. 2023,

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